Freelancer Rahma Tamam

Rahma Tamam

I’m Rahma, just an ordinary girl, who have some talents need to change her lifestyle. I started on 2005, as a freelancer but have zero experience, but within time, I started to gain more information about how to do things with some professionalism.

In order to enhance my skills and gain more experience, I joined the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program in order to learn and enhance my skills on the social marketing and how to manage and moderate my social accounts, professionally, and how to organize the campaign files and so on.

The most hatred thing for any customer, and the main reason that he or she avoid dealing with your brand, is the Buyer’s remorse. Any customer almost searches for differentiate marketing service, they do not want actually to take risk of great investment in order to promote his business or service or even his products, but suddenly this all may blow up in their face, this caused by ignoring spent more money to gain more quality, beside skipping the market research step.

Here’s my role comes, as I joined the Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program in order to learn and enhance my skills on the social marketing and how to manage and moderate my social accounts, professionally, and how to organize the campaign files and so on.

I tried to set up my own project, Soci Corporate, which is providing their customers with the social media and traditional marketing campaigns. It is an entrepreneurial company working in the field of digital marketing and social media.

I believe that Soci is my success story to tell you, I’m trying to fill up my qualifications and gain more experience in order to help you to promote your business.
